Saturday, March 14, 2009

I don't have much to write about so...

...Yes that's me.
Yes my hair is permed.

Yes that is an oversized Mickey Mouse sweatshirt with black leggings
Yes those are purple slouch socks with orange double tongue shoes (remember those!)
Yes I'm holding my first firearm, a Red Rider BB gun.

I was 10 and couldn't have been more thrilled.
I was kind of a tomboy.
I still have the gun, just in case any robins or groundhogs decide to invade our home and attack.
Its for protection.

Hope you enjoyed the flashback.


Claire said...

that was AWESOME! I totally have the same picture of me...without the gun. The outfit made me laugh and brought back childhood memories. thanks for sharing!

Marce said...

LOVE it. i had to do a double-take cuz i thought "how'd she get that picture of me?".... seems that the 80's/early 90's got the best of all of us!

missed you girls last night...and i agree...our babies need to play. i know they'd be bff. sol is totally ellie's style.

rogersfam said...

You must be a fan of "The Christmas Story". Classic! I love the look.

Jon said...

Wyoming at its finest.

Mark & Becky said...

Hey, I remember that girl. Wasn't that just yesterday.

Lisa said...

Meg, this is freakin' awesome

Jean Bean said...

Oh Megan, that was funny! I laughed because those were the days in all their glory! I love that you still have the gun, that's my girl. :)

Michelle Williams said...

I don't even remember those shoes...everything else, unfortunately yes.

Leah said...

Rad. Love it.

So, I am such an idiot. I totally spaced Saturday night. We didn't end up having friends over because I was so distressed about my island staining adventure.

I wish I would have remembered because I would have loved to see you guys. Next time you invite me to girls' night I'll write the date and time with a sharpie on my forehead.