Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pirated Post: Camping!

Our long time friends(well long time considering "we" have been for 6 years and we've loved the Parkers for 5 years) the Parkers invited us to go camping with them a few weekends ago. Its the perfect set up for a comedy. Parkers would be played by Tom Hanks (1990 version) and Reese Witherspoon (current version) and we would be played by Gerard Butler and Kate Beckensale (for no other reason accept they're hot). Wackyness ensues!

You can read about our camping comedy here on Kristi's blog. Even though there was a lot of crap (at times, literally ;) it's definitely going to be a great memory for us. Thanks guys!!

P.S. Kristi forgot to mention her astounding timing in catching Logan's vomit in a grocery bag approximately 2.6 seconds after he said he didn't feel good. Dave and I still remark on how amazing in was. You've got skills Kris!


Kris said...

ha ha - yeah, "comedy" puts a nice spin on it. :-) You're so creative. By the way, Meg, there was a cute picture taken of us, but by "cute" I mean it's only cute because it's you and me... but it's really not the best shot and not one that we want floating out into cyber space. :-) I'll e-mail it to you .