Thursday, January 15, 2009

Longer out than in...

As of today, Sol has been OUT longer than he was IN! H0oray!


Marce said...

holy smokes! that is crrraazzyyy to think about!! congrats on such a huge milestone...i can't believe how big our babies are all getting...makes me sorta sad...but happy too. they just get cuter and cuter...especially handsome sol!

Leah said...

OH I GET IT! I thought you were saying you guys were outside today longer than you were inside. I was like... what??? :)

He IS getting old.

Time to have another one... Just kidding. (But seriously, you're going to start hearing that a lot. Get ready.)

Cheri said...

I haven't been very good at the blog world lately, but i LOVE all your darling pictures! Your family and your sweet little Sol are priceless! Just know we are thinking about you and hope all is well. It was fun to get a little update from your awesome blog.
And of course little Sol just brings smiles to my face! :)