Wednesday, November 18, 2009

"Life" to Megan and Dave - "I think I'll go with a curve ball!"

I should be packing. "Packing?" you say. Yes packing. We are moving...again...I don't really want to go into the details...

Yes, it was unexpected.
No, were not mad. Life throws you a curve ball every now and then. Its an adventure.

We're basically trading houses with my cousin in Saratoga Springs which is about 20 min from where we live now. Its a nice area, good neighborhood. And it will keep us until we hopefully buy a house in the next few months. I'm freaking out just a little. I'm so sad to leave our little home near the "see see's" ('horses' if you don't speak Sol). We already love our little ward and community. But this will be an adventure, right? (insert nervous laugh here).

I better go pack...


SkiMoab (Dave) said...

I think I'm saddest about the "see see's".

Kris said...

You are great to have a good attitude about it. I guess that's all you can do, right? We're here to help!

Stocking Family said...

I am so sorry that you have to move, I love your neighborhood also. Adventures can be challenging but so rewarding. Your amazing to have such a new attitude, what a good example you are to me.

Amanda said...

Hey, Hey! We're out here in S.S. You need to come by and visit- seriously!

melissa said...

oh, good luck. moving is a drag.

Tiffany Johnson said...

CRAZY! Call me!