Monday, August 4, 2008

one handed post

I seem to have lost the use of one of my hands/arms about 3 months ago. Which hand? It varies. what ever hand isn't occupied by Sol.

Here are some recent pics...What have you got there mom?

not too sure...

Handsome boys headed to church
now sucking/chewing his thumb. he pulled it out right when we snapped the picture.
New toy! He actually really likes it!

can you tell he's teething?

Sol attended his first baseball game, we saw the Bees. He was happy as long as we were on the grass by out field. Love his blue eyes.
We're doing great!

(i typed all of this one handed as sol issleeping in my arm)


Holly said...

What a sweetie! How is it possible that they just get cuter and cuter? I love the picture of him chewing on his toy-I can assure you in the months and years to come, you'll find stranger things in his mouth :) Glad you're all doing great!

Marie {Make and Takes} said...

As we speak, I am doing the exact same thing! I've gotten really good at typing this way. Anna's still small enough that I can sometimes get my left arm out and type over her head using both hands.

Sol is a cutie. Looks like you're having fun with him.

eden&mike said...

Sol is so cute. Its so fun to see him getting big. I cant believe he can sit in that excersaucer! So darling!!

Lisa & Tyler said...

Oh my gosh, Meg, he's so freakin' cute...I gotta come down and see you guys

Tiffany Johnson said...

he is so cute! I can't believe how big he is and how quickly he's growing! I can't wait till my girls are all better and we can hang out more!

Kris said...

I love the first couple pics of Sol on this post - what a cute face and adorable blue eyes! Don't you love how your capacity to do more with one hand automatically increases with the motherhood status?

Marce said...

cutest!!!! i love that you posted this one-handed. i have a feeling that i am rapidly approaching this point... xoxo