Hey, Better late than never, right?!
My kind mother in law sent me all her pictures so we had something to document the year end. Just a few highlights...enjoy!
Christmas Eve...
We tried to get pictures of the kids in their jamies by the tree. So many wiggles! This was the best we got.
Mike and Brandie
Nay Famiy
We opened presents...
...and were wowed by presents
We ate yummy food!
We (the guys) hung out in our "Max Hall Hates Me" t-shirts, thanks Lisa!
The next day, Christmas Morning we had a great time opening presents...very slowly. Sol wanted to sit and play with everything he opened. It took 2 hours to open presents!
Sol opened his new ornament for the year first, a little penguin. He LOVED it. He even danced with it.
i miss ella! (and the rest of the cooks, too)
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