Saturday, April 3, 2010

Solomon Skis.

I'm thrilled to have a guest blogger on my blog today! Please welcome Skimoab from

I'm funny. Do I sound like a crafty blog queen?

I copied this post verbatim from Dave's blog cause I loved his telling of the story. Thanks hun.

You thought I was going to talk about Salomon brand skis, didn't you? Nope, instead i'm looking to enthrall you with a post about Solomon's first day on skis. Sol will be turning 2 on April 15th so I thought it would be cool to get him on skis while he was still 1. Last Thursday morning posed the perfect opportunity with some fresh snowfall and a warm, spring day.

We took him to Nyman's Ski Shop on the way up to sundance where Scott was kind enough to hook us up with some 70cm skis.

Nyman's Ski Shop

There were several steps along the way where I figured he might decide this wasn't for him, the first being after trying out the boots.

Big and Little Ski Boots

He did tip over once, but caught on pretty quick. He's always liked shoes so to him this was just a cool new pair of boots.

Ready to Ski

Sol has watched skiing with me on TV and we talk about it a lot, but he was really fascinated once we got to watch some kids skiing at the base of the hill.

Watching Skiers

He kept saying "Ski?" and was urging us to get going.

Watching a Skier

Once we got the actual skis on him he was a little more hesitant. He definitely wanted to go but knew it was a little over his head.

Sol on Skis

We mostly pulled him along while he tried to balance himself, though he did get a couple of 4-5ft long slides in by himself.

Solomon Snowplow

After 20 minutes or so he decided he had learned enough for the first day.

Solomon Skis

So I took him up the ski lift. I knew it might make him a little nervous but he settled right in and had a blast.

Solomon and Dad on the Ski Lift

He kept pointing out the trees, snow, and mountains.

Solomon on Ski Lift

We rode up to the midway stop on Ray's and I held him as we skied down. He loved skiing through the Magic Forest, the spot just under the lift before you get to the midway stop. He kept laughing and saying "fun?" I did set him down and let him ski a little more on his own, then I carried him the rest of the way down.

Solomon and Dad Skiing

It turned out to be a beautiful day and a lot of fun. We figured at some point he would have lost it, but he had a great time.

Solomon and Mom at Sundance
Sol's First Ski Day

Today I showed him a picture of the trip and he said, "Ski? Fun?" Yes Sol, ski fun.


darlajean's dream said...

I love this post...Sol is simply amazing!!!

Marce said...

oh gosh, this is so ADORABLE! who knew it was possible for two year olds to ski!?? (and enjoy it) (and did i seriously just say TWO YEAR OLD!?) such cute pic's- miss you guys all the time!

Kris said...

how fun! Sol looks like a mick-mack in his ski garb. Glad he (and therefore you guys) had fun!

Kristy said...

This was so great! Yay Sol!

Tiffany Johnson said...

SO FUN!!! I love that you guys took him skiiing. Those skis look so adorable on him. he looks like such a big boy!!! When are we going to play?

Michelle Treadwell said...

Wow, I just loved this entry! It was so cool to see Dave be able to share something he loves SOOOO much with his little boy. I'm glad he liked it! And my favorite line? "Yes, Sol, ski fun." Made my day! Thanks guys--love and miss you.